Apurva on The Cashflow Project
Join Steve and Vincent, with Apurva Shah of Jays Investments, as they talk about how Apurva built his own real estate brand and business from flipping houses on the side as a W-2 worker in Carolina. As someone who's gone through living in rundown places, Apurva's 'why' currently is to provide affordable and safe housing to low-income earning individuals and families. For a young investor who's proven himself and while separating from his parent's business to scale Jays Investments, Apurva doubles down on the importance of having the right people around you and the self-awareness to acknowledge limitations when it comes to going long in real estate. Listen today to Apurva as he shares more about “Roles” management, the needs to have investing know-how, tenant relations and how they run things differently with mobile home park investing. There's a lot to unpack, so stay tuned and enjoy the episode!